Monday, October 13, 2008

Laureate Krugman, My 2 Cents

Occasionally (believe it or not), I am compelled by a recognition of my vastly inadequatee expertise on the vast majority of topics to refrain from commenting (in writing, that is. I am [almost] always willing to verbalize my opinions) on a current event. This is usually motivated by my own irritation at others’ eagerness to remark on a current event despite being grossly unqualified to do so. So, upon hearing that Paul Krugman had received the Nobel Prize in econ, I had decided to keep my keyboard out of the matter. (Un?)fortunately, a friend—someone who has an uncanny ability to seek out things he thinks I might find distasteful and rub them in my face, but in a joshing, elbow-jabbing way—, via email, provoked me otherwise.

So, here’s what I think about Paul Krugman, Laureate.

I have no doubt Krugman is deserving of his Nobel. I really don’t have the background to judge his academic credentials or contribution to serious economics. And so I defer to the greater Economics Community which, in general, has a near diety-like reverential fondness for Krugman The Economist. I take them at their word (I’m not smart enough not to) and I am becoming a growing fan of Krugman’s body of work. I made the early mistake of confusing Krugman The Pundit for Krugman’s entire CV. Once I started reading some of his econ writings, I became an instant fan. On economics, Krugman is clear, thoughtful and entertaining. I would put some of his econ prose on par with Hawking’s Brief History of Time in its effectiveness at communicating complex ideas...enjoyably. He really is a great writer, writing in way that only incredibly bright thinkers can.

But the thing about Krugman is he long ago hung up his Economist Hat. Sure he is still an academic. But his Pundit Hat is the one he wears most often and most publically. And he has become a lightning rod for partisan conflict. And he does not shy away from some good old fashioned demagoguery at the expense of the opposition. And he’s become a go-to-guy for social democrats who are looking for someone with intellectual credentials to buttress their policy de jour.

So, there will be three major consequences of Krugman receiving the Nobel: (1) he will earn deserved recognition, (2) more people will be attracted to his message, and (3) he will receive a larger platform to speak his message. Personally, I think (1) is good and (2) and (3) are bad. Admittedly, this is personal view is largely because Krugman and I aren’t exactly ideological kin folk. But there are objective reason’s to think (2) and (3) are bad too. First, it doesn’t do much for the public’s understanding and appreciation for economics as a science if our most visible figure now spends a good deal of his time doing economic malpractice. At the very least it blurs the line between good economics and partisan punditry. Second, it doesn’t do much for the reputation of the Nobel Committee when they pick a highly controversial figure in the midst of an major election and at a time when we are approaching an apex in political volatility. The pick amounts to an implicit endorsement of Krugman’s politics and the Committee has already received some criticism for being political.

Now, you could argue that the Nobel Committee is so completely apolitical that the decision was completely independent of the political scene. This could very well be true. But it is still the case that Krugman’s pick will be interpreted by the lay-folks as an endorsement of his ideas AND this was entirely foreseeable. So, by ignoring Krugman’s pop-media status and political views, Nobel is responsible for the consequences when others’ associate the eminence of the Nobel Prize with Krugman The Pundit. It is some serious PR negligence. Even a good pick becomes bad when the timing is wrong…and Krugman certainly could have been given the nod later down the road.

I would extend this perspective to economists whose politics I agree with. There is a good chance Mankiw (I have the t-shirt!) will eventually get a Nobel, but it would be silly to pick Mankiw when the Bush Administration is still warm. (That being said, as an aside, part of Mankiw’s appeal is that he is refreshingly objective and non-partisan despite his clear interest in policy. Is anything “a tad too hyperbolic” for Krugman’s tastes?)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Who's afraid of the big bad bailout?

The bailout plan didn't make it through Congress. I am unsure how I feel about this, disappointed, nervous, or excited that we avoided another rush decision -- anyone see John Stewart's comparison of the Bush's support for the Bailout package to Bush's argument to invade Iraq? Scary....

Nonetheless, the reactions are dramatic, and the consequences unknown. Below is a link to an article I was forwarded by someone who works for Bank of America and forwarded the article by their higher ups. The article, a letter from John Mauldin to his Congressman in Texas, is attempting to persuade a congressman who likely did not vote for the bill. It gives the best economic support I have seen thus far for the bill and might have persuaded me.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Why We Need to Act Now
By Anne O. Krueger

Ok, so I was waiting for someone else to post something on the current economic situation, but I can't wait any longer. The attached article is clearly in support of the bailout, Anne gives lots of reasons, doesn't spend too much time on support, but that's not the purpose of the article. Essentially, she is putting it out there that she supports the bailout and thinks it should happen quickly. Her support rides in her credentials. But honestly, concrete support is hard. All it appears Paulson and the others can do is point to the lack of credit, and try and show that its going to get worse, which in turn it is argued the consequences are worse than the costs of $700 Billion.

Whether I can fully support it or not, it appears it is going to happen. This morning WAMU was even passed into government hands, which didn't fair well for the stock price which I had just purchased... I digress. What do you guys think the economy will look like in a couple of months? I already know several people who have lost their job and more in fear.. anyone have any anecdotes, I know a couple of you are employed in financial areas?

Comments please!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

For Profit Charities

I was looking for a way to volunteer here in Clarksville and I came across this program named "In2Books." The premise is basically electronic penpals for youth. When U investigated the program though I discovered that it is one of the many new for profit charities, so I refrained from immediately signing up. I am concerened about donating time to profit someone else. But, I guess it depends on the point of view that you adopt for the program. You could see it the way I thought of it as giving time to earn other people money, or you could see it as just supporting a child. I think ultimately it is probably a worth while endeavor because the profit margin will attract intelligent people to oversee the program, but I don't know if there is enough oversight of the company to keep it from abusing its young audience.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Recruiting Campaign: Greenspan Wants you!

I have put forth effort to invite people on the blog that come from diverse backgrounds, with economics being a common theme. I even encourage debates by trying to stir up arguments (as some of you maybe aware by my personal emails to you pointing out the potential disagreement). However, I would like to see more activity and less spectatorship. As such, I am hoping that you guys can help me expand participation by inviting your friends to join.

I only ask that they have some interest/understanding of econ and can take being called out on a post (as I was so recently was).

If you do not know how to invite, send me ( their email and I will add them.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Economic Case For Tax Havens

This video link was distributed to my work via a mass email- rather surprising given that it comes from the CATO institute, a rather openly economically conservative group. However, if it weren't for Tax Havens I may not have a job, so can't complain.

Beef with the Video: Tax Havens help Developing Countries
Just because capital flows towards low tax areas, which could help developing countries attract needed investment and economic activity, the presenter acts as if this is a direct link. I completely disagree with how causually this point is made. I remain unconvinced that capital/economic activity spurred by tax havens and the like have dramatic or effective enough spillovers to actually benefit the country's people. I am not saying this can and does not happen, but it is not direct. Here is where I become a softy for proactive governments, who I think, in order to reap the full benefit of increased foreign investment, need to be proactive about funnelling that activity into local infrastructure, public programs and making sure their is knowledge spillover into the local workforce and businesses.

Please feel free to disagree.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

White House Memo
Rescue of Mortgage Giants Displays Paulson’s Clout

Published: September 9, 2008

The Treasury secretary has led President Bush where he would not usually go: into government intervention in the markets

Has anyone read the former Treasury Secretary O'Neil's book? It was great... but aside, anyone have any thoughts on the F&F situation- should the government have stepped in? How will this affect interest rates in the future?

My thoughts are unsure as I don't claim to know too much about the subject. I would guess though, from basic economic theory that the positive reaction by the financial markets comes from false security. Not that the government won't financial back up F&F, but instead that true market risk has been once again push aside, disallowing an unbiased market interest rate to appear. Not letting these companies bear the risks they took on, will slowdown the markets ability to readjust itself, skewing the going interest rate allowing people to get interest rates not truly reflective of the market and its risk.

Comments welcome.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

On Palin

Comments open.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Interesting Value added argument

I am not really a bratz man myself (I prefer G.I. Joe), but I saw this interesting case on the CNN site today. what I am curious about is what if Bryant had been named Banu, and lived in India instead of in the U.S.? Where is the value being added? How do you separate the original creation from what others have added? I think this is extremely difficult question to answer because building a name brand in a market as finicky as Children's toys doesn't necessarily depend on a long term marketing plan. Instead luck just plays a big factor.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Now That's Rich
By Paul Krugman
New York Times Op-Ed Columnist
Published: August 22, 2008

I found this article in the New York Times web edition this morning and thought you all might like to discuss. I think he raises a very important question: As both presidential candidates debate tax policies on different income levels, how do they (and we) really define and think about who is "middle class" versus "rich?" Does everyone really neatly fit into these categories?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Dr. Doom
Published: August 17, 2008
Two years ago, Nouriel Roubini predicted the current economic crisis. Now he sees things becoming far worse.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Dealing with the downturn
Make love—and war
Aug 7th 2008 SAN FRANCISCOFrom The Economist print edition
Tough times are producing some surprising business bedfellows

COMPETITORS often find it hard to be civil to one another in public. But few rivalries have been as nasty as that between two New York newspapers, the New York Post and the Daily News. The “Daily Snooze”, as the Post dubs its rival, takes great pleasure in rubbishing its arch-enemy, and vice versa. Scurrilous gossip about the Post’s owner, Rupert Murdoch, is avidly reported by the Daily News; its proprietor, Mortimer Zuckerman, has been the target of less than flattering coverage in the Post. And the two titles like to bicker over which has the bigger circulation.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Watch my big boss (the Director General of IFPRI) take on Food Prices in the Economist.

It's interactive, and for those of you who are interested in development, you can watch heavy-hitters debate while simultaneously reading the ridiculously uninformed comments of the Economist audience at large, who are allowed to vote and participate. A pretty entertaining (and sometimes educational) debate.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I found an interesting article about China today in this morning's NY Times.

I'm interested to see if they can carry off the S. Korea/Japan model in the way that they aspire, or if it fails. Judging from China's previous success at random industrial shifts, I'm betting we're going to see higher prices on manufactured goods, and lower prices on these intro technologies. Should be interesting to watch how the public reacts - if they even notice, that is.

From a development perspective, I'm glad China's focusing on something other than being a manufacturing hub. This will serve as another example of how government support can help develop a market where one would not naturally exist. Hopefully they'll be able to convert their manufacturing labor supply to technology-educated manufacturers a.s.a.p with as little growing pains as possible.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Investing: That Sinking Feeling
Time International
Thursday, Jul. 17, 2008 By Nouriel Roubini and Rachel Ziemba
Early last winter, when the west was suffering the first casualties of the credit crisis, sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) rode to the rescue, providing over $40 billion in capital to some of the largest of the faltering U.S. and European banks. The U.S. government — reluctant to bail out banks directly — welcomed this infusion, even though SWFs are investment arms of foreign governments and American politicians are often suspicious of outsiders acquiring stakes in key domestic assets. So instead of a bailout of financial institutions by American taxpayers, we saw a foreign-funded bailout.
As mortgage losses continued to mount and the credit-crisis snowball rolled on, private equity, with some SWF support, took on the role of recapitalizing regional banks. Yet there's still no end to the crisis in sight. On July 11, U.S. regulators shut down IndyMac Bank, the second-largest largest financial institution to close in U.S. history. If current estimates are right and more losses are coming — Goldman Sachs says U.S. and European banks may need another $200 billion — where's the money going to come from to keep the financial system functioning?

Find the rest of the article here: